How FTL Shipping Can Boost Profits For Your Business

What Is FTL Shipping FTL shipping is a method of freight transport which maximizes the efficiency of a truck’s capacity. Primarily, manufacturers and distributors ship freight via FTL. However, small and medium-sized businesses fail to leverage the financial benefits of FTL transport. All businesses large or small must lower cost to increase profits. Businesses improve […]
Georgia’s Freight Economy

Georgia’s Freight Economy Georgia has a large manufacturing sector that produces and ships various commodities. As a result, requiring a myriad of trucking transport services. Georgia’s biggest city, Atlanta, is a major freight trucking hub. A recent freight and logistics reported that 18% of Georgia’s GDP is due to the freight shipping industry. Below we […]
How To Lower Truck Freight Shipping Cost

How To Lower Truck Freight Shipping Cost Surprisingly, many people are not aware that shipping costs are flexible. Freight rates can and will change due to market conditions. For example, bad weather can increase rates in an entire regional area. Albeit, weather cannot be controlled it is an additional caveat that shippers need to be […]